Sunday, March 1, 2009

Club Penguin "The Treasure Book" Season 2

Hey everyone just wanted to let you know that season 2 of the Club Penguin Treasure book is out, and you know what that means, new Club Penguin plushies! And, new secret items! Now go and check it out! Here is the cover.
And here are some cool secrets. There are only two by the way.

Here are the new limited time, season 2 plushies! How cute!

Go to to check out the full list of season's 1 and 2 Club Penguin toys. Here are some pics of the first season.

O'Berry Pin

The newest Club Penguin Pin, the O’Berry pin, is now available. It is at the iceberg in the lower-left corner. It’s pretty easy to find! It seems to be a follow up from the last pin which was a box of Puffle O’s. Too bad the Puffle Party is already over, but with the recent appearance of White puffles, the new pin still makes sense. Head over to the iceberg now to pick it up!

Rockhopper Arrives with Free Items

Rockhopper has arrived again on Club Penguin and he has brought some new items with him. The free item is a treasure map background which isn’t very exciting but it is free. Members can purchase two furniture items: a wall map and a treasure chest. Members can also buy the swashbuckler outfit. If you click on the island on the Wall Map, You will find the Porthole!