What's gentle yet powerful? Can turn anything to ice with a single breath? What can create snowfall, plays with a skate, and so much more? The white puffle! Many of us have been asking for a new puffle for a long time and the club penguin team is so excited to finally tell you that it's available inside the updated Adopt A Puffle catalog at the Pet Shop! Yay! They are so cute!
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know, I make about 1 or 2 "Update" blogs a month (which are copyrighted blogs from clubpenguin.com) and about 5 "Extra" blogs as often as possible. I refresh the "upcoming events" list every Thursay. I may randomly add stuff to make the site cooler. Some of the "Extra" blogs will be about secrets (like catalouge secrets) and new pins. Plus alot of stuff that clubpenguin.com doesn't mention. I will hopefully add something new everyday or at least once a week. Depending on how often stuff gets released. If you want to find me, I am usually on Rainbow.